The candidates GOP voters vote for

Well, you already know quite a bit about that: They voted for Trump, Doug Mastriano, Kari Lake, and Herschel Walker, among others. Republican voters don’t seem to care how dishonest, corrupt, or vile their party’s candidates are.

Mark Robinson (photo, left) is another name you may be hearing a lot about soon. He’s running for North Carolina governor. CNN says he’s the favorite “to be the party’s nominee” (read story here).

Robinson, being black, evidently finds it difficult to be racist; but he manages to be “anti-LGBT, antisemitic, and Islamophobic,” according to Wikipedia (here).

Above all else, he’s for guns, and doesn’t like the kids on the other side of the gun debate. Those kids include survivors of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre, who he’s called “spoiled, angry, know it all children,” “spoiled little bastards,” “media prostitots,” “sassy,” and “communists.” He mocks “their appearance and intelligence.”

This repulsive behavior made him a rightwing star. The NRA promoted him. It got this nobody elected lieutenant governor. Now, this college dropout and former furniture factory worker has bigger ambitions. And he’ll get votes, a lot of them, because the problem with the Republican Party isn’t just awful candidates. It’s awful voters, too.

Voters who thumb their noses at civility, and have no intention or desire to get along with people of other views. That’s a big part of why the GOP is on a trajectory of becoming an increasingly unpopular party of angry and uncivil extremists, unloved by everyone else.

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