Who is Rep. Kat Cammack?

Kat Cammack is the young GOP congresswoman from Florida no one ever heard of until she injected low humor into the high drama of the House speaker election impasse on Wednesday, January 4, 2022.

Now everyone’s heard of her. In a floor speech, Cammack said, “They want us to fight each other — that much has been made clear by the popcorn, and blankets, and alcohol that is coming over there.” Part of it was true; see photo of Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) at left.

Cammack’s joking accusation that Democrats were drinking on the House floor drew jeers and boos. It was uncivil, and a violation of House decorum, but mainly it was false.

It was a stupid thing to do. She antagonized the Democrats for no reason, gets nothing from it, and it will never be forgotten. It also laid bare her immaturity and lack of experience. Who is this not-very-smart woman?

Cammack, 33, a Colorado native, went straight into politics from college, first working for a Florida congressman, then running for his seat when he retired from Congress. She was elected in a safe GOP district in 2020, and re-elected in 2022.

Her politics are MAGA — she’s anti-abortion, anti-LGBQT rights, voted against certifying the 2020 election, and supported Trump’s border wall (see bio here). Other than that, she doesn’t have much of a C.V. or biography, because she hasn’t been around long enough to have accomplishments.

Having accomplishments isn’t the same as making oneself notorious by being obnoxious. She’s too young and wet behind the ears to understand that. I suspect she’s about to learn, though.

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