Why the Fox reporter shouldn’t have tried to diagnose Biden on the air

Because she made an ass of herself, that’s why. Just a few weeks ago, Fox News medical correspondent Marc Siegel, M.D., wrote this (here):

“Americans have come to falsely believe that we can evaluate our leaders based on TV snippets. Some doctors too easily fall into this trap, too, but they should not be diagnosing people they have never met. The American Psychiatric Association’s famed ‘Goldwater Rule’ is more applicable now than ever. The rule emanated from Fact Magazine, in 1964,  publishing a survey of psychiatrists who said Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.), then the Republican presidential candidate, was crazy during that year’s national election.”

Dr. Siegel was writing about Trump, but the Goldwater Rule applies to Biden, too. This Fox reporter (her name is Anita Vogel) didn’t exactly violate it; she tried to get a doctor guest to violate it, but the doctor (Nicole Saphier, M.D., who’s a radiologist, not a specialist in senility) wouldn’t play along.

But Vogel was profuse with her own pseudo-medical commentary, even invoking her mother’s dementia, and she’s not even a trained medical professional; she’s a braying jackass. So is the Fox network. But this certainly is within her line of work; she and other Fox talking heads get paid to spew rightwing propaganda, which is what this is. Quit thinking Fox is a “news” station; this isn’t journalism, it’s prostitution.

Seriously, what Biden did in that TV snippet is what countless husbands do when they’re out in public with their wives. We all know who runs the show. Vogel’s own husband, Mark Rozells, who is the chief financial officer for a hotel company, no doubt does the same thing; when he’s out with her, she’s the boss. And she certainly knows that.

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