Archive for May, 2022

May 6th, 2022 - 11:16 pm § in Misc., Russia

Ukraine says it hit another Russian warship

I saw reports of this early today, but couldn’t verify it, so delayed posting about it, and major media still aren’t reporting it. Russia is denying it. Yahoo News said this afternoon (Friday, May 6, 2022) the ship was hit by a Ukrainian missile near Snake Island (of “Go F— Y[...]

May 6th, 2022 - 10:49 pm § in Misc., Russia

Putin can kiss his yacht goodbye

Ownership of this floating palace hasn’t been definitively established — Russians cover their tracks — but it’s believed to be Putin’s plaything. Called the “Scheherazade” (the big boat in the photo below), it’s been laid up for repairs in an Italian p[...]

May 6th, 2022 - 10:23 pm § in Health, Racism

Racism against Asian-Americans is at a pandemic high

There have been plenty of news stories about hate crimes against Asian-Americans. Stupid whites (and some Hispanics and blacks, too) have blamed them for Covid-19. They have nothing to do with it. And it’s getting worse. “More Americans are now blaming Asian Americans for Covid-19 than a[...]

May 6th, 2022 - 9:58 pm § in Health, Misc.

Covid denier can kiss his Army career goodbye

An Army lieutenant who refused to telework, provide a negative test, or wear a mask was convicted by a special court-martial of violating orders. Mark Bradshaw (photo), an Air Force sergeant who became an Army officer, is a jerk. He was a company commander, and the soldiers under him had no choice a[...]

May 6th, 2022 - 9:04 pm § in Economics, Misc.

Great Migration, v.2022

Pods, a moving and storage company, sees people leaving big cities for the U.S. southeast, especially Florida. Why? Reasons include cheaper housing and getting closer to nature. Not mentioned: Crime. Read story here. Not surprisingly, Los Angeles and San Francisco top the list of cities people are l[...]

May 5th, 2022 - 8:23 pm § in Democrats, Politics, Racism

Sorry you moved to a red state?

These people are. Shifting political sands are “jarring” liberal-minded young people and professionals who moved to blue enclaves in red states during the pandemic, either for a change of scenery or in pursuit of work opportunities, and now some are having second thoughts, NBC News says [...]

May 5th, 2022 - 3:59 pm § in Law and Courts

The issue that’s bigger than abortion

It’s true the conservative justices likely to overturn Roe v. Wade are right-to-lifers. But there’s more going on. While legal analysts like to refer to them as “strict textualists” (i.e., if the Constitution doesn’t explicitly state something, it isn’t there), it[...]

May 5th, 2022 - 12:51 am § in Democrats, Israel/Palestine, Jews, Politics

A rabbi explains why Orthodox Jews are rightwingers

In an article here, Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer (profile here), writing in the Times of Israel (profile here), explains “the connection between Orthodox Jews and right-wing politics in America.” I’ll let him speak (“fair use” and brevity requires some editing): “Why ar[...]

May 4th, 2022 - 10:27 pm § in Politics

The radical right targets LGBQT youth suicide prevention

Conservatives, with Republican Party help, are waging all-out warfare against LGBQT people, including kids. They were already trying to exclude LGBQT kids from school sports, tell them what bathrooms they can use, ban LGBQT books from libraries, and censor teachers. Now, they’re falsely accusi[...]

May 4th, 2022 - 8:23 pm § in Law and Courts

Justice Alito: Welcome back to the 1600s!

Lydia O’Connor, a Huffington Post reporter (profile here), writes a brutal takedown of Alito here. And why not? He deserves it. A condensed version, lightly edited for clarity, is below. “Alito repeatedly argued that Roe v. Wade was a mistake because, until 1973, banning abortion was sim[...]