The big squeeze

Mark Brnovich (photo, left) is Arizona’s ambitious GOP attorney general who badly wants to be a U.S. senator.

To get there he has to suck up to Trump’s fans, which requires sucking up to Trump, who wants him to produce “evidence” that Trump won Arizona in 2020.

The official vote tally shows Trump lost Arizona, and a bumbling private audit by a Trumper who peddles election conspiracy theories also showed Trump lost Arizona. The fact is Trump did lose Arizona, so Brnovich has a problem: How to give Trump and his supporters what they want. Politico says he’s “caught in a vise.”

Far from supporting his Senate campaign, Trump is blasting Brnovich for not “getting on the ball” or “catching up.” That’s a big problem for Brnovich and it’s going to get bigger. That’s because Brnovich investigated the election and despite leaving “no stone unturned” didn’t find any evidence of “widespread voter fraud or irregularities.”

MSNBC says, “To be sure, Brnovich couldn’t come right out and say, ‘The conspiracy theories are baseless,’ because then his Senate candidacy would be doomed,” but “couldn’t manufacture evidence of election irregularities out of thin air,” because then he’d be committing fraud.

Looks like Brnovich is damned if he doesn’t, and damned if he does; in other words, he’s screwed. That’s what happens to weasels who cut deals with a devil. Fine with me if he loses.

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