Better sell your skis now

When you can still get something for them.

“Skiing is not going to exist, winter sports are not going to exist if we continue down this path” of global warming, Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn believes.

While she says if, let’s not kid ourselves, greedy humans aren’t going to save the planet. Fossil fuel consumption is rising, and will continue to do so. Don’t sell your oil stocks just yet, sell your skis first, because by the time humans quit spewing CO2 into the atmosphere, the snow will be long gone.

In some places, it already is. “The Austrian glaciers where Lindsey Vonn honed her craft are essentially gone,” AOL News says (here). “The slopes she grew up speeding down have melted away.”

Of course, if you really want to keep your skis, there will always be indoor skiing in Dubai on artificial snow, with painted murals of mountains on the walls, for those who can afford it (book your trip here).

Photos: Above, Lindsey Vonn training for a new sport in a post-snow world; below, a Dubai ski slope

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