Calling climate change “B.S.” doesn’t make it less real

Sen. Ron Johnson (photo, left; bio here), a Republican from Wisconsin, who is arguably the most factually-challenged member of that body in addition to being a liar (“the rioters were just tourists”), “insisted again last week that he is not a climate change denier,” but CNN caught him red-handed (thanks to a video) “telling a Republican group that [climate change] is ‘bullsh*t.'” (See story here.)

“I don’t know about you guys, but I think climate change is – as Lord Monckton said – bullsh*t,” Johnson told the group, redundantly adding, “By the way, it is,” thereby cementing his already-substantial reputation as a science ignoramus.

The climate change debate is over. So, too, is any lingering wishful thinking that its destructive impacts are still decades away. Or that we can keep dumping CO2 into the atmosphere without making it worse.

Today, to still be arguing otherwise is to look like a fool. For Johnson, that comes easily; the real question is why Wisconsin voters inflicted him on the world’s greatest deliberative body in the first place. They’ll have a chance to correct that mistake next year.

P.S., also note this is a guy who can’t even say the word “bullshit” without quoting someone else saying it and mouthing it silently. He must be afraid of the Republican ladies in the crowd. I’m not. I wouldn’t hesitate to tell them what he says, and they think, about climate change is bullshit. Because it is, and things have gotten to a point where we can’t afford to be polite to science deniers anymore. Our survival is at stake.

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