McConnell blocked a Capitol riot inquiry. What now?

Although some GOP senators voted for a commission to investigate the January 6, 2021, Capitol insurrection, the House-passed bill did not make it past the 60-vote Senate hurdle, mainly thanks to Senate GOP leader McConnell’s opposition.

That means there will be no impartial bipartisan inquiry into the riot by Trump supporters, incited by Trump.

Because, apparently, the same Republican congressional leaders who not so long ago condemned the riot are now afraid an inquiry will turn off their party’s voters ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

So what they’ll probably likely get now is the House hearings run by Democrats that Speaker Pelosi promised if Republicans killed the commission bill. Read story here. (Keith Olbermann has another idea, here.) Meanwhile:


“I’m not sure people appreciate how much danger we’re in.”

Read what he says here


“The Republican Party is more in thrall than ever before to the lies”

behind the attack on the peaceful transfer of power.

Read story here

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  1. Mark Adams #

    Democrats are upset that Republican’s are using the Clinton playbook from after the 2006 election? Are they using the playbook better?

    Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot. Half of the nation voted for Donald Trump. Less than 40,000 votes determined who won the electoral collage.

    Rather than embrace the need to do audits to reassure the public they have tried to convince the public that this past election was completely virtuous. It was not.

    The Democrats have better keep the brides coming and hope inflation is temporary. Since the American voter is fickle it is fair to predict the Republican’s should take over the House. If the Republican’s do proper gamesmanship there should be plenty of noise about impeaching Biden. The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner as the President as Vice President did exactly what the Democrats impeached Trump over. Then there is the whole Hunter Biden story. It just takes a majority to bring charges. Should any Democrat in the House actually be rational and agree they will sink their political career. If they were a leader they won’t be. They won’t have any committees, and they will face the party at home which could condemn their actions, and ensure they will be challenged in their upcoming primaries. Whether the Senate is Republican or Democratic controlled it is extremely unlikely either party will have a super majority, but should either of the Democratic Senators from Washington State vote that Biden is guilty this states Democrats will demand they resign and treat them very badly, should they run again for the Senate, they will be challenged in the primary. It could even allow a Republican Senator for the firs time in decades.
    It is entirely possible for a university to investigate the riot and all this with some mix of corporate, media, state government, but such a entity would lack a degree of authority and no way to make witnesses to show up or provide evidence, other than demands to federal agencies for documents.

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    Nice rant. But that’s all anyone can say about it. There is no equivalency between Democratic efforts to protect our democracy (whether they win or lose), and Republican efforts to destroy it. But this commission and inquiry aren’t really necessary. Approximately 800 rioters will face criminal charges, and every one of them is a Trumper. Not because of prosecutorial discretion, but because that’s who the rioters were.