GOP senators are systematically opposing Biden’s minority nominees

Who happens to be African-American.

Rep. Marcia Fudge (R-OH) was confirmed to the cabinet position by a 66-34 favorable vote. (Read story here.) The 34 GOP senators who voted against her nomination are more than two-thirds of the GOP’s 50 senators.

The vote is part of an emerging pattern of Republicans opposing Biden nominees who are women and/or people of color. In February, Politico reported on Democrats calling out a “double standard” applied to those nominees.

“Their fears had been bubbling for weeks, as Biden’s nominees of color came under sharp attack from conservative groups or saw their nominations delayed or opposed in greater numbers,” Politico said. Read story here.

Meanwhile, “Republicans are using attack ads to attempt to block two of Biden’s cabinet nominees of color, Associate Attorney General nominee Vanita Gupta and DOJ Civil Rights Division nominee Kristen Clarke,” MSN reported (here), and Republicans are fighting the nomination of Xavier Becarra, a Hispanic, to be HHS secretary (story here).

The Root, an online African-American magazine, complained that “Biden’s nominee of color [are] facing more intense Republican scrutiny than his white picks,” and asked: “If only we know why.” Read that article here.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. Because the GOP, under Trump, has morphed into a white supremacy party.

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