Republicans, listen up!

You’re not going to have a political party if you don’t straighten up.

Less than a month after the Capitol insurrection, “lots and lots of people are leaving the Republican Party.” More than 10,000 Arizonans dropped their Republican affiliation last month. Another 10,000 in Pennsylvania, 7,600 in Utah, 4,500 in Colorado. In one month. Read story here.

This should come as no surprise. What’s extremely difficult to visualize is the people who traditionally were the Republican grassroots — businessmen, farmers, little old church ladies, etc. — identifying with the mob who stormed the Capitol. Or someone like Marjorie Taylor Greene. Or the Proud Boys, militia gunmen, and other wackos who’ve taken over the GOP.

If you want to be a viable political party, i.e. get ordinary hardworking Americans with traditional values to vote for you, then you can’t pledge allegiance to someone like Donald Trump. You can’t have your campaigns run by people like Paul Manafort and Roger Stone. You have to turn your back on conspiracy nuts, insurrectionists, and white supremacists. Or people who want to replace our democracy with a dictatorship.

Most people in this country aren’t crazy, and those who are comprise a small constituency, far too small to be a voting majority.

Just sayin’.

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  1. mark adams #

    The Whigs are back!!!

    Of course there could be another explanation. Americans love a winner. Congratulations Democratic party.

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    Elections have a way of steering wayward parties back on track, don’t they?