What changed the GOP?

“A top official at the National Republican Congressional Committee abruptly decided to resign earlier this month after House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy and nearly 150 GOP lawmakers voted against certifying the Electoral College results,” CNN reported on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 (read story here).

Meanwhile, “Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling said Wednesday night that he hates ‘being right’ about then-President Donald Trump’s capacity to incite violence” (read story here).

And while that’s going on, “Video of Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene confronting Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg before she was elected to Congress went viral Wednesday amid an uproar over newly reported comments [about ‘executing Democrats’) she made in 2018 and 2019” (read that story here), while only 5 of the 50 sitting GOP senators voted to make Trump stand impeachment trial for inciting a violent insurrection to overthrow an election he lost, the purpose of which is to disqualify a guy whose concept of governing is unnervingly similar to Hitler’s from holding public office in the future; most won’t even censure him (read that story here) for that.

The Republican Party used to represent big and small businesses, the Chamber of Commerce, and church ladies. They must be in hiding. Whyat’s left is a gang of deluded QAnon fanatics, End-Times cultists, and gun-toting revolutionaries stalking congressmen with ziptie handcuffs and rope nooses.

Are they trying to discredit democracy by descending into mob rule?

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  1. Mark Adams #

    Political parties change over time. Particularly big tent parties. Whether we even have two parties is debatable. Could be both parties are controlled by the same oligarchs and corporations.
    Demographics make it imperative the Republicans make changes to attract new voters. The Republican party would like to keep those millions of voters Trump brought in, just looking at Trump’s numbers one must realize normally a Republican incumbent would have won reelection with what he got. Those numbers do make the neutral political scientists scratch their heads, as there are some odd things. There is some corruption in our elections, and probably a higher level of actual voter fraud by voters than what is pursued by Prosecutors which is typically low hanging fruit, and true effective cheating has to come from inside clerk offices or those local officials over seeing elections.

    so Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has exercised her right to political speech. Good and now there can be more speech. Or are we going to devolve into what can give us an Adolf Hitler or dictator in charge. Trump is out of office and that is rather un Hitler like. Of course Congress is not a parliament, so the two governed very differently.

    The impeachment is moot. Looks like McConnell suckered the Dems in. The question is how badly Trump’s attorney are going to embarrass the foolish Dems. And of course the trial could go a long time and keep Trump in the news and interrupt the Senate doing other business. Trump’s attorney could also delay things by appealing to the Supreme Court on some issues such as whether the Senate can impeach a private citizen. Sure in 1876 the Senate decided it could, and the major reason impeachment failed was individual Senators thought the impeachment was unconstitutional and should not have been pursued. Since the official was not found to be guilty by the Senate there was no appeal, and eventually was acquitted at an actual trial. I would seem Democrats in the House and Senate do not have a lot of faith in a Washington DC prosecutor or Federal prosecutor in successfully prosecuting Mr. Trump for your alleged crimes. Or they know no crime was committed by Trump during the incident. They are forgetting that Congress is not above the law and all Congressmen take an oath to uphold the Constitution. Seems the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is subtly telling Congress this impeachment smells to high heaven like a run over skunk and not worth his time.

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    Your allegations about corrupt elections and voter fraud are false and merely parrot Trump’s lies. For God’s sake, learn to think for yourself.

  3. What changed the party it began with Palin and moved more to extremism with trump, Bannon, Miller and Putin assistance #

    Besides Palin and her tea party cohorts, the white folks were starting to feel threatened by too many minorities in their once white-privileged America.

  4. Roger Rabbit #

    Along with a changing economy that was leaving them behind.