What Trump will be remembered most for


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  1. Elephants have memories and big messes left behind #

    trump Remembered for:
    1. Tearing up White House documents that White House Archivists had to try to scotch tape back together.
    2. Stating that Mexico would pay for the border wall. Which Mexico didn’t pay for. All the children that were locked in cages.
    3. Trump administration notified Congress that it planned to divert $3.8 billion from the Defense Department’s budget to build the border wall, which was never completed. Trump actually had built far less from what he promised at the start of his 2016 election campaign, when he pledged to build a concrete wall along the border’s entire 2,000-mile length. Trump later clarified that it would cover only half of 2,000 mile length. February 2020, Trump’s pledge had been reduced to 500 miles or more by January 2021.
    4. Trump fired entire pandemic response team in 2018.
    5. Mishandled the pandemic, said it was a hoax, wouldn’t wear a mask and taunted our new president for wearing a mask. Turns out trump got covid 19 and then went on a pr op out of the hospital after treatment.
    6. 400,000 Americans dead. This is a national tragedy.

    God bless America and Joe Biden and our new VP Kamala Harris to clean up the messes trump has left.