Essay: Liberals are wrong; Trump isn’t another Hitler.

Trump is a coward and a fool, whereas if Hitler had those traits, he wouldn’t have been what he was.

* Hitler was brave in combat. Trump is a cowardly draft dodger.

* Hitler executed anyone who challenged or criticized him. Trump hasn’t executed any of his political enemies. His critics call him “Cadet Bone Spurs” and get away with it. Hitler killed people for a lot less.

* Hitler killed his dissident generals. Trump only fired one of his, while others resigned in droves.

* Hitler suspended press freedoms. Trump merely calls the press “unpatriotic” and “the enemy of the people.”

* Hitler eliminated civil liberties. Trump only abuses them.

* Hitler’s Enabling Act overthrew the existing government. Trump is a rogue leader who pushes aside constitutional limits and ignores laws, but he hasn’t replaced them with his own versions, and they’ll still be there when he leaves office. His country, unlike Hitler’s, may still be there when he leaves office, too, but that remains TBD.

* Hitler was actually an authoritarian. Trump merely has authoritarian tendencies and an authoritarian personality.

* Hitler’s “family separations” were life-or-death. Trump merely tears children away from their families and keeps them in cages.

* Hitler built gas chambers. Trump merely cheers the use of tear gas against peaceful protesters.

* Hitler imposed martial law. Trump, so far, has only threatened to use the military to suppress protests.

* Hitler back-stabbed Russia’s dictator. Trump is still friends with Russia’s dictator, hasn’t betrayed him, and borrows money from Russians.

* Hitler was ruthless. Trump, when confronted by squeaking mice, backs down.

In 2017, Rich Lowry, editor of conservative magazine The National Review, wrote of America’s new president: “The good news is he’s a coward. The bad news is he’s a fool.” Either of those qualities would prevent an aspiring totalitarian from becoming the next Hitler, and Trump is afflicted with both of them. That doesn’t make him harmless by a long shot, only less apocalyptically dangerous. Today’s Americans aren’t under a Hitler’s thumb, but must suffer a cowardly fool, hopefully not for much longer.

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