It’s happened again.

An angry white man motivated by white supremacist ideology invaded a Pittsburgh synagogue and murdered 11 innocent people Saturday morning. Six others, including 4 police officers, were injured. The gunman was wounded, but survived, and is in custody. Attorney General Jeff Sessions suggested the Justice Department may seek the death penalty under federal hate crime statutes.

The alleged gunman, Robert Bowers, 46, said on social media that he didn’t vote for Trump because he’s surrounded by too many “[epithet for Jews]”. He also blamed the Central American migrant caravan on “Jews.” Well, he doesn’t have to worry about them anymore. He’ll be safe from them inside the concrete fortress where he’s destined to spend the rest of his life.

Trump’s incendiary rhetoric may not be directly responsible for incidents like this, but it doesn’t help prevent them. The fact Trump didn’t get this killer’s vote doesn’t make him innocent. Something about him brings them out of the woodwork. And if Trump is true to form, he’ll claim thatĀ he is the true victim of this incident, as in all the other incidents.



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