Our Democracy Has Failed.

The polls may not have been all that far off, after all. By the time all the votes are counted Hillary could have a 2% popular vote margin.

This will not unelect Trump. But with now over 2 milion signatures, signing a petition is one powerful way of opposing the threat he has made ot our Democracy. capture

Roger Rabbit spews:
Saturday, 11/12/16 at 9:46 am

Clinton already leads by 668,000 votes, and California and Washington alone have 4.7 million pending votes, which are expected to break 2-to-1 for Clinton, so these two states alone may swell her popular majority to well over 2 million votes.

Republicans have power, but not a popular mandate. What they have is minority power, gerrymandered by a constitutional system that gives more voting power to less populous, more rural, more conservative states. Your vote counts more if you live in Idaho or Nebraska than if you live in New York or California.

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