Kentucky Senate Up for Grabs

Clinton in recent weeks has redoubled her outreach to young voters, who comprised a large portion of Sanders’ support. But she still has more work to do. A nationwide straw poll of 461 Sanders delegates, released Thursday by the Bernie Delegates Network, found that only 37 percent plan for vote for Clinton in November.

A Bernie supporter said that his only goal now is making sure Trump doesn’t win. “She showed an extraordinary amount of reservation and patience,” “Donald Trump, on the other hand, he just interrupted, wanted to basically be a yelling match between the two of them.”Clinton in recent weeks has redoubled her outreach to young voters, who comprised a large portion of Sanders’ support. But she still has more work to do. A nationwide straw poll of 461 Sanders delegates, released Thursday by the Bernie Delegates Network, found that only 37 percent plan for vote for Clinton in November.

Hillary pulled in a thin win  in the primary.  Now Bernie supporters have a real chance to replace Mitch McConnel with Jim Gray

Roll Call: “Jim Gray is making history, and nobody seems to notice.” He could be the first openly-gay man elected to the U.S. Senate — and polls say the race is TIED, 42-42.

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