Don Phil: The Expatriate Speaks

Hola Amigos,

Since arriving in Medellin we have been walking a lot and getting to know the city. Not having a car helps in that regard. However, the walking has taken its toll and my right knee osteoarthritis began to worsen. A few weeks ago the pain suddenly became quite bad to the point that I was virtually housebound.

My excellent and kindly orthopedic surgeon moved two patients and performed a total knee replacement (arthroplasty) on July 25th with the assistance of his brother. The surgery, normally 1 ½ hours, took over twice as long due to problems related to a long ago comminuted tibial fracture. Today is day 16 post-op and I am doing pretty well. The first week was rough due to pain and persistent nausea and a metallic taste attributed to prolonged anesthesia (epidural, IV, and later mask inhalation).

I had a three night stay in the hospital. The care was more than comparable to that in the U.S. with attentive nurses and other personnel. And, of course, the food was dreadful. My right knee was a mess with bone on bone, multiple bone spurs, and three loose bodies. Dr. Raul was pleased with the outcome. He has made two house calls, the second to remove staples. This is the norm in Colombia (especially if one pays out of pocket!). Today, with a little pharmaceutical help, I will try to slowly walk the 1-1 ½ kilometers to my check back appointment. Cam has been my nurse, physical therapist, cook, massage therapist, spotter, and gofer. I could not have contemplated surgery without her. I am so blessed.

Depending upon progress in the next two weeks, we may yet come to Seattle on August 31st but tennis is 5-6 months off.

Hasta luego, Don Felipe
Medelin Columbia

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