FRANCIS JACOBSON: Education Is Not Free

Fransi gif JacobsonFRANCIS JACOBSON

There is an idea floating around about free college education. I don’t favor this. I favor a German style segregation of students, but since American parents see their children as a refection on them I don’t see this happening. I say this based on personal experience. I had a lot of “white privilege” opportunities in my life, but what have I become? I’ve become a poor person with few prospects. Yet I went to the same high school as my far more successful classmates and may have earned better grades than they did. I did this by doing nothing but studying while they played sports and held jobs. I went to the University of Washington and graduated, but with a “football player” degree.

However, I was doomed to fail from the start. I never achieved critical thinking skills. I have no aptitude to survive in the “New Economy” where being a software expert is as critical as basic literacy. Could I have been taught these? No. I don’t think so. Some things you cannot teach. Some people, like myself, just don’t have the aptitude. Unfortunately, our education system was unable to take me aside and say “Son, you aren’t going to make it.” Even if it did, however, my father had blown so much smoke up my colon, that I was too full of pride to admit the truth. Perhaps, I still am. The point is that “more education” can do nothing to make a person not in possession of critical thinking skills intelligent and equipped for the “New Economy.”
This is why I can understand the Trump phenomena better. People don’t want the State to provide for them like an infant. They want the State to protect them from the “smart people” who want to simply take advantage of them and either cast them aside like dross while they pay subsistence to foreign workers (they aren’t human apparently but just commodities). People like me want to make our way in life but we are apt to believe “they” (in my case “the techies”) have destroyed their attempts at livelihood.

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