Explaining hypocrisy to my brother-in-law, Bill Quick

Bill Quick ico Puerto Rico

The Boston word for these folks was “lace curtain Irish.”

Dear Bill,

Your post on FACEBOOK celebrating Bernie Sanders’ meeting with Pope Francis as a way point in the progress of Jews and Catholics seems to miss the point.  
Pope Francis may be many things, but he is also the Pope who sanctified the vicious murderer of indigenous Americans, Father Serra, as well as conferring that divine status on Pope Pious XII .. the Pope who reigned during the Holocaust.  While I do admire Bernie and have hopes for this Pope, I fear that Bernie maybe a politician  flawed by the vanity of other leftist politicians .. from Trotsky to Norman Thomas.   I think Bernie may be a bit of a hypocrite rather than a selfless servant of the good like Cesar Chavez, Saul Alinsky, or Martin Luther King.  
I know all too well that everyone has to live with some hypocrisy. But I wish more folks would at least understand that calling oneself a liberal does not erase all guilt.
When I was a young man in Boston, I learned about the two kinds of Boston Irish. We had the folks from Southie. Tough edged, proud to be Irish and openly bigoted towards others. These are the people we see a lot of today in movies with Matt Damon.
Then there were the other Irish, the lace curtain Irish who moved to Brookline. Good folks these, all liberals. That is all liberal until it came to busing. Oh oh, not THEIR kids. Kids from Roxbury, black  kids, were bused to Southie!
The Boston word for these folks was “lace curtain Irish.”
Your lack of understanding of hypocrisy fits so much else you yourself have done, including your efforts to slander me and to demean the record of my father’s heroism in WWII.  It is hard to  take seriously anything you say about out the efforts of others to do good when you had the creativity to author a website named for me ..”steveshits” and then to deny your own intent. 

I also remember all too well the cruel way you treated my father.  Taking things from him during his dying days.  That was really rather petty. I have a more bitter memory of you supporting the effort not to place the name of our step mother, my Dad’s wife for 27 years, on my Dad’s tombstone.  Such small acts leave scars.

Let me finish with your postings on FACEBOOK.  I am sure you are not a racist.  But I also find your attitudes toward your home state disturbing.  I still remember your celebration of your state’s taking down the damned flag after the murders in Charleston. Or the self serving celebration of the Selma march by your synagogue.  Then there was the defense of your city after a cop shot an innocent Black man in the back. Yep, no racism in your home town!

Just saying.

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