FACEBOOK: The Right Revives the CCCP

I told you that Melania Trump doing softcore porn was going to become a campaign issue. The vast majority of Americans don’t want a woman who did porn to be the First Lady. As much as we all love the videos on sites like and their stars, we wouldn’t necessarily want them to be some of the most important people in the whole nation. These are some of the pics that Trump is angry about which I find odd since he probably married her because she took these pics.

Millie Christian's photo.
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Rosemary Mariotti
Rosemary Mariotti we have a whore in the white house now any comments about the black whore

Bill Smith
Bill Smith We All said plenty about Obambi’s momma and her mistakes. We were discussed, but that was his mom, this is Trump’s wife the woman he married. Why don’t you all feel the same now? Why are you Trumphumpers willing to overlook this now? #NeverTrump And this is just One of the reasons.

Dan Determan
Dan Determan Get over it…the American people voted for Obama despite michelle

Lisa Koon
Lisa Koon Yep she was in lesbian porn…. how little do the trump voters know about thier mesiah?

Lisa Koon's photo.
Deb Winsor D'Angelo
Deb Winsor D’Angelo Yes, he did give Trump money– the Satan Soros is closely connected to Trump… yes, when you associate with the devil.. you are not straight up… or honest.

Linda Westerman
Linda Westerman This is what we’d had for 7/1/2 yrs so seriously anyone would be an improvement

Linda Westerman's photo.
Marc Clasper replied · 2 Replies · 11 hrs
Trish Wilson Andersen
Trish Wilson Andersen Ive seen the Mooch in a similar shirt..I think this is photo shopped but still fits her to a tee

Millie Christian replied · 2 Replies
Marsha Romack
Marsha Romack Gawd..there is so much more than crap like this that we should be up in arms about! jobs…Muslim infiltration with the caliphate the end game…national security… The entire government a bunch of corrupt whores…

Bill Smith replied · 1 Reply
Marcus Stewart
Marcus Stewart I have no problem with Trump’s wife. Anyone, but Hellary, is better than that monkey-asses shemale we have now, if you’ve lived a sheltered life and have no clue what a shemale is then go to and you’ll see exactly what I mean and you’ll no doubt agree with me.

Joe E Mayfield
Joe E Mayfield we dont need a whore in the white house

Dave Gibson
Dave Gibson She’s hot…she’s not running for office…Who cares?

Linda Eppes Heyn replied · 1 Reply
Janice Barlow
Janice Barlow He picked her. He shouldn’t be surprised when people trash her former “career”.

Michael Mortinsen
Michael Mortinsen Better than looking at that than the dike in living in the White House !

Adam Sparks
Adam Sparks Yeah that’s the kind of First Lady I’d like to have -a lot better than the Bigfoot we’ve got in there now

Daniel S Lange
Daniel S Lange This is the tax plan I would really like. I don’t know anybody who would not like it. It Certainly would help shrink the size of this government.

'The Cruz tax plan: 10% for everyone. Pay less, keep more. WATCH:'
Tax Plan
Ted Cruz

The Cruz tax plan: 10% for everyone. Pay less, keep more. WATCH:

Gary L. Poe
Gary L. Poe This stuff going around about Cruz and Trumps wife make me sick, stick with the two that are running not their families.

Millie Christian replied · 1 Reply
Steven C. Miller
Steven C. Miller $100 billion industry and me and my dog are the only 2 watching porn!?!?!?

Denise Kearney Harvell replied · 1 Reply
Mike Remick
Mike Remick I’d rather have her there than slick willy and his ilk and liar wife any day of the week..

Gary Donato replied · 1 Reply
FG Looney
FG Looney I already wouldn’t vote Trump in a million years, now it’s a million and ten

Bill Sullivan replied · 1 Reply
Wayne Ozosky
Wayne Ozosky Well I seen Michelle Obama in national graphics ?

Millie Christian
Millie Christian I will not compromise or make excuses , or allow the first lady position if America to have lower standards America is better than this ! We need class , morals , God restored back into our white house not put more trash in it !

Doris Neal
Doris Neal No but trump doesnt present himself presidential either. Quite a pair

Gina Tuley
Gina Tuley Yeah…imagine kids having to do a report in school about the current First Lady…if Trump was president.
THIS is what they’d come across when they did an Internet search!!!! ??

Millie Christian
Millie Christian Exactly I googled her name and found the pics

Billy Clark
Billy Clark Really wow that should not be on the Internet.

Gary Donato
Gary Donato That is who she is.It is pics she got paid for..WT Heck??.U r not ealizing we need to make our decisions NOW..B4 the mainstream and The Machine destroys this weak candidate,that creates issues out of nothing..Just him being an arrogant Turd.

Jonathon Moseley replied · 1 Reply
Daniel S Lange
Daniel S Lange Trump is the establishment corrupt 1%er who’s been bribing our politicians for decades you fools.

Diane Odom
Diane Odom Amen, Daniel S Lange! You are correct, and if people think we have real, terrible problems with Obama, now?? Just wait ! If this mentally ill 2yr old, temper tantrum throwing, belligerent , threatening person, Trump, becomes potus. ?!?! Just think!See More

John Nussbaum
John Nussbaum Joe Furco states that he is a Christian who lives according to The Word the nest that he can…LOL

Valerie Palenkas-Hein replied · 2 Replies · 3 hrs
John Nussbaum
John Nussbaum REPROBATE (based upon your comments and posts)

Jonathon Moseley
Jonathon Moseley I don’t care if Donald Trump’s wife walks around naked all the time. But I do mind people LYING and telling us we should vote for Donald the Tramp because he and his wife are “classy.” If you think the Tramps would make a better President and First See More

Shawn Hooper
Shawn Hooper Jonathon – then you must be continuously offended. If deceit is your greatest angst wouldn’t it stand to reason that any energy spent taking our eyes off the true enemy will only serve to aid that enemy? In other words, bitching about either Cruz or Trump is a missed opportunity to bitch about Killery “what difference does it make” Clinton.

Jonathon Moseley replied · 1 Reply
Daniel S Lange
Daniel S Lange Trump is the establishment the 1%er who’s been bribing our politicians for decades you fools.

Christina Dixon
Christina Dixon Not only bribing our politicians but monetarily supporting their liberal policies and contributing specifically to the folks running against the tea party, you know the ones trying to clean up the Republican Party and get rid of the RINOs? Trump is lonSee More

Christina Dixon
Christina Dixon And don’t worry Shawn if your celebrity gets the nomination I will shut up and focus on outing Hillary, but in the meantime Ted Cruz still has a chance my God is still on the throne and my country has not fallen into the small hands of a sexist ego maniac with a bad hairpiece and his porn star wife YET.

Valerie Palenkas-Hein
Valerie Palenkas-Hein Funny how Trump has been proud of his strip clubs and his wife and her “career” as a soft porn model……when Liz Mair reminds America of Melania’s soft porn… Trump is pissed. Why? Liz and all are just telling it like it is!!!!!!

Valerie Palenkas-Hein replied · 3 Replies · 3 hrs
Samuel Stein
Samuel Stein Why should Trump be angry? He knows what she is and married her. If he wanted a political career he should have used his brain, instead of his “small hands”.

James Hovda
James Hovda I have no problem with this. A hell of a lot prettier than any of the other 1st Lady nominees, especially Bill! (Who I’m sure doesn’t have any problem with these, either)

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