Maureen Dowd gave it her special twist – – “…soon Cruz began to seem like the guy who comes to your book party and starts brandishing his own book” Mike James FACEBOOK I didn’t need another night of an arena shouting “Lock her up” at the nominee of the other party (a first i[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Ted Cruz’
RNC: Crucifiction on the podium
Jesus Fails to Appear, Cruz Drops OUt
Ted Cruz (R-Texas) withdrew from the 2016 presidential race on Tuesday.[...]
Yes my dad killed JFK, he is secretly Elvis and Jimmy Hoffa is buried in his backyard,’ Cruz joked.”
This is a presidential campaign? “Ted Cruz lambasted Donald Trump on Tuesday for alleging that his father was involved with President Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald. “‘… Let’s be clear: this is nuts,’ Cruz told reporters. ‘This is just cuckoo. W[...]
BREAKING NEWS: Is Ted Cruz the Evil One?
Boehner: Cruz is ‘Lucifer in the flesh’ “Lucifer in the flesh,” Boehner told an audience at Stanford on Wednesday night, according to the Stanford Daily. “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable[...]
Ted Cruz on Masturbation
Ted Cruz: Americans Have No Right To Masturbate As Texas solicitor general Cruz claimed that there was no right to stimulate one’s own genitals, something that has become quite contentious in many circles. I’m sure there will be a lot of unhappy watchmygf fans angry at Cruz’s comme[...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Ted Cruz Chosen by God
Ted Cruz’s Father: Ted Has Been ‘Called and Anointed’ by God to Be the Next President (Video) Televangelist Kenneth Copeland laid hands upon Rafael Cruz after his fantastical declaration.[...]
Ted Cruz Loves His Father
I love my father. He is a pastor. He is a man of deep integrity. And he made a joke.” – Sen. Ted Cruz from MSNBC The “joke” the Texas Republican and recently-announced 2016 presidential candidate was referring to was a comment that his father, Rafael Cruz, made about President Obama that sma[...]
FACEBOOK: The Right Revives the CCCP
?Millie Christian? to CCCP Conservative Coalition of Cruz Patriots I told you that Melania Trump doing softcore porn was going to become a campaign issue. The vast majority of Americans don’t want a woman who did porn to be the First Lady. As much as we all love the videos on sites like videos[...]