Don’t Feed The Shiba

Mineko and ChocoloateI am not sure Shiba Inu are dogs, but our vets say  never give your pup a taste of your Hershey’s bar.

As explained in the informative Reactions video , chocolate is toxic to doggies .. and presumably t5o their cousins the Shiba … because the cocoa plant, from which chocolate is made, contains an alkeloid called theobromine. Dogs can’t metabolize theobromine very well, and its effects, like restlessness and excitement, last much longer in a dog’s system than in a human’s.

Hmm .. I guess we need ot stop giving Mineko her cup of morning tea?  Tea is fulll of theobromine! 

Anywhere from six to 12 hours after consuming chocolate, dogs may have diarrhea, increased heart rate and other painful symptoms from ingesting the toxic ingredient, Reactions says. The smaller the pooch, the higher the risk for for poisoning by chocolate, so take special care to keep your Kisses away from your curious Chihuahua.

from HUFFPOST, with my additions. 


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