Scott Walker Broke

Walker_05Scott Walker is a victim… of the debt system. As a governor he makes $140,000 a year, but still can’t make ends meet. Looks like the Kochs stopped picking up the tab.

Presidential campaign … a million dollars in the hole. Personally, he has tens of thousands of credit card debt … tens of thousands, now paying 27% interest on that debt. Student debts for his  two unemployed sons owed to Marquette University. (Apparently Walker recognizes that he’s ruined the University of Wisconsin system and didn’t want his boys to go there.)

So what’s next?

He puts the place up for sale:

Gov. Scott Walker has put the family mansion up for sale and sent his parents packing.  The two-story, three-bedroom house is listed  for $338,000, just $8,000 more than the purchase price from 2007. Assessed at $359,900, the home’s tax bill in 2013 was $8,381.


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