Real Zionism

 “When you read Kerry’s words, you see immediately that he accepted a significant number of Israel’s demands, first and foremost the demand that any future peace agreement include Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish state.

Kerry also stated that a solution to the refugee problem would have to be just and practical, one that would not undermine the State of Israel’s character. He said that any future border would be based on leaving the large settlement blocs in Israel’s hands; he clarified that the permanent arrangement must constitute an end to the conflict and preclude any further Palestinian demands, and stressed security arrangements as a central component of any agreement.”

It is really quite extraordinary how much abuse John Kerry has suffered at the hands of a state and a people has been so devoted to throughout his public career. During his three decades in the Senate, he maintained an absolute bulletproof, gold standard pro-Israel record. He made these same proposals to both Netanyahu and Abbas, and both rejected them: but only Bibi subjected him to a campaign of calumny. No good deed goes unpunished.

The outline presented by Kerry could have pushed Israel and Palestinians into an agreement, if he had put it on the table in 2014. But Netanyahu and Abbas’…

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