The face of a madman

150724-john-houser-9a_70fb90a8bf8dc49c6685e2f2bb527563.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000John Russell Houser, a madman who killed 2 people and wounded 9 others in a Louisiana movie theater, then committed suicide as police closed in, left a note praising accused South Carolina church shooter Dylan Roof for killing 9 “niggers” but said told Roof he should have targeted “liberals” instead. Houser was known to fly Confederate flags, praise Adolf Hitler, and post messages on rightwing extremist message boards stating he “hated” America. Former neighbors described him as “erratic.” He was able to legally buy the gun used to commit his crimes.


Photos: Houser, above, and his victims, left.mayci-breaux-jilllian-johnson-220

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