Being Presidential: Bernie and Killer Mike

Bernie Sanders CampaignsOOPS my picture label is wrong. The big guy having soul food with Bernie is Rapper Killer Mike in Atlanta last Monday night.  Big Mike is endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for president.

“In my heart of hearts, I truly believe that Sen. Bernie Sanders is the right man to lead this country,” the hip hop star, activist and Atlanta native said.

Killer Mike cited Sanders’ stance on the Voting Rights Act, health care, education and ending the war on drugs as reasons for backing the Vermont senator’s Democratic campaign.

“I have said in many a rap, I don’t trust the church or the government, a Democrat, Republican, a pope, a bishop or those other men,” Killer Mike said. “But after spending five hours tonight, after spending five hours with someone who has spent the last 50 years radically fighting for your rights and mine, I can tell you that am very proud tonight to announce the next president of the United States, Sen. Bernie Sanders.”


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