A new species is evolving right before our eyes — an ultra-successful mix of wolves, coyotes and dogs

shiba inu coyitte

RAW Story reports that “a new species combining wolves, coyotes and dogs is evolving before scientists’ eyes in the eastern United States.

The resulting offspring — which has been called the eastern coyote or, to some, the “coywolf” — now number in the millions, according to researchers at North Carolina State University.”

These look a lot like wild versions of our dog, the Shiba Inu.  At about 55 pounds, the coywolf is almost twice as heavy as a Shiba but in Japan closely related dogs, e.g. the Akita way about as much as the coywolf.  Interestingly the coywolf’s  large jaws, fast legs and muscular body allows it to take down small deer.. the reasons the Shiba were bred 2500 years ago n Japan.  The coywolf’s cry starts out as a deep-pitched wolf howl that morphs into higher-pitched yipping — just like our shiba!

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