On the failure of Zionism.

Thanks for sending this.   It is more or less consistent with my own impression that the UW is declining.  I felt the #4 ranking was likely due to some artifact.  The criticism, moreover,  is consistent with my subjective POV that most of the achievements are in the past and that our ranking is going to down as those events are further away.  The criticism is likely valid as Reuters does this sort of thing .. that is how it sells its stuff!   However, even if you use other rankings ... more subjective .. systems, the UW is pretty much unique among public universities in being among the top of all world universities but in a state where we are the only significant research university.  The closest comparables are Michigan and Wisconsin but both have more research universities. I suspect that ten years from now, the uW will be much lower on all lists .. watch for the UC campuses and Univ. Texas campuses.   I think it would be good if someone here were to look critically at the Reuters' rating.   This is now complex because of the union issue.  If AAUP were to run this, I suspect it would come across as an atatck on the UW Excellence crew.    On Sat, Oct 31, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Robert Wood  wrote: Hi Steve, What do you make of this?

The problem with Jewish excessive identification with Israel is that it has reached a point of  requiring a commitment to Israel, regardless of what sort of state Israel  is.  The result is a victory  for the Palestinian cause.  I see is a game of chicken .. with the Palestinian rejection of peace now being tied to a successful  effort to have Israel take up the causes of apartheid and an eternal war.

Eternity is not forever and Israel will lose that war.

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