A Brilliant Solution for the GOP Excess Candydate Problem

captureAfter the first debates:

It’s all so clear: NFL Commisioner Roger Goodell must seek the Republican nomination for president. The job doesn’t pay what NFL commissioner does, but it just might have more power.

Goodell would win the Republican nomination for president in a rout. It would be the Patriots-Jaguars of primaries. He has the name recognition and he has positions on most of the issues that Republican voters will welcome. Running is the correct decision for him to make.

Therefore, it will be a huge shock if Goodell runs for president. The man is not known for making good decisions.

  1. Affordable Care Act:   Goodell’s likely position: Get rid of all health care.
  2. Crime/Gun Control: Goodell’s likely position: Fines and suspension for all those accused.
  3. Global Warming: Goodell’s likely position: It doesn’t exist.
  4. Military: Goodell’s likely position: The more wars the better.
  5. Economy: Goodell’s likely position: Cut taxes to spur business.
  6. Immigration: Goodell’s likely position: Build a wall at the border between the US and Mexico.
  7. Supreme CourtGoodell’s likely position: Prevent an “activist” court.

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