“Know this: For good and for bad, whether it is on the statehouse grounds or in a museum, the flag will always be a part of the soil of South Carolina.”.

“South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley said Monday that it’s ‘time to move’ the Confederate flag away from the grounds of the South Carolina statehouse.” But …

“There will be some in our state who will see this as a sad moment. I respect that.”

“Know this: For good and for bad, whether it is on the statehouse grounds or in a museum, the flag will always be a part of the soil of South Carolina.”

nikkihaleyconfederateflag“Haley … defended South Carolinians who view the flag ‘as a symbol of respect, integrity and duty’ and a memorial to ancestors who served their state during a time of conflict. ‘That is not hate, nor is it racism,’ Haley said.”

“Haley … promised that the views of those who want the flag to keep flying will be respected in the debate. ‘This statehouse belongs to all of us,’ she said.”

(Read the story here.)

Image: Nikki learns letting go is hard …

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