Black Crazy Candidate Speaks Truth to Republican Clowns

Carson for PrezBen Carson seems to be the sole Republican speaking truth to the white folks about what happened in Charleston.

FACEBOOK: “Racial based hate is still very much alive as last night so violently reminds us,”“I fear our intolerance of one another is the new battle ground of evil. Today many feel it is ok to hate someone who thinks different than you do…As a brain surgeon I can assure you that all of our brains look the same, no matter what our skin color or party affiliation.”

What a contrast to the other mealy mouthed presidential clowns running for the GOP nomination!   Ben Carson—a  right-wing sideshow, a clown who, despite his achievements as a Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon, has shown a  proclivity for voicing off-the-rails theories —is teaching the rest of the Republican field how to sound like Black people are ..people.  Does this reflect Carson’s skin color?  or is he just politically naive?

Pulaski, Tennessee-The Klu Klux Klan, (KKK) announced today their endorsement of Dr. Ben Carson for President of the United States.

 Or, just maybe, despite having a head cluttered with weird right  wing politics, and too much listening to Faux political reality shows, Ben Carson is an honest mam?

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  1. Scott Auden #

    I’m afraid that his commentary is intended to serve two masters. His remarks could simultaneously be read to refer to the “persecuted American Christian” theme he has vigorously embraced in the past. His emphasis is on “intolerance” a key word in anti lbgt rhetoric by the religious right. (Their argument being that condemnation of anti-lbgt bigotry is “intolerance” of their religious views). He mentions skin color only briefly. He seems to me a politician keeping options open.