Tort Reform Update

“The so-called ‘Privacy For All’ coalition has introduced the ‘Personal Privacy Protection Act’ for consideration as a ballot initiative [in California]. It would require that ‘a person shall use facilities in accordance with their biological sex in all government buildings’ … defining ‘biological sex’ as ‘the biological condition of being male or female as determined at or near the time of birth or through medical examination.’

“The blanket ban on transgender bathroom usage includes not only an enforcement mechanism, but an incentive to police other people’s [bathroom use] …

“[T]he Act would create a civil claim against individuals for using the restroom in accordance with their gender identity” instead of their biologically-ordained gender. The incentive to sue is enticing: “‘Such claim includes equitable relief and damages up to a maximum of three times the amount of actual damage but in no case less than $4,000, and attorney’s fees that may be determined by a court,’ the proposed initiative reads.”

Under this law, “Anybody ‘whose privacy was actually violated’ … by seeing a perceived-transgender person in the bathroom — or who decided not to use a bathroom because there was a perceived-transgender person inside would find relief under this claim. In other words, the law would place a bounty on transgender bathroom usage.”

[Emphases added; click here for source.]

Of course, any nut can float a proposal via initiative, but that doesn’t mean it’ll get on the ballot, or if it does, that it’ll pass, or if it does, that courts won’t strike it down as unconstitutional discrimination. But just for fun, let’s play the “what if” game, as in “what if this becomes law.”

You should be able to readily see where it would quickly get out of hand. Every golddigger on Planet Earth will be trolling in public restrooms looking for “perceived transgender” targets to sue. Which means anyone who looks like they have might have assets or insurance. If you think the tort system was abused before, just wait until this becomes law! Visualize kiosks manned by lawyers in airport concourses.

restroom-renderingThis nuttery is brought to you by — you guessed it — folks who hate tort lawyers (because they support Democrats) and peddle so-called “tort reform” in the name of ending “abusive lawsuits.”

Photo: No longer just places to piss, airport and stadium restrooms will become cash cows for tort lawyers who presumably will donate a portion of the proceeds to the Democrats and ACLU. 

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