Conservatives Go Bull Shit Over Seattle’s Minimum Wage

Here is a  response and fact check to the story that Ray Tennison posted and other conservatives bought hook line and sinker. Turns out like so much of their crap on minimum wage to not be true.

It all began with a story published earlier this month in a local, Seattle lifestyle magazine, complete with a headline designed to tweak the interest of the reader while bearing little relationship to the facts of the actual printed story it heralds.   Readmore at Forbes.

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  1. Roger Rabbit #

    Seattle is a city touted for its tech jobs and high incomes. It’s also an expensive place to live. A $15-an-hour full-time job pays for rent and taxes, and that’s about it. It’s a poverty wage in a city chockful of millionaires who can easily afford to support it through slightly higher prices on goods and services.