SOUTH CAROLINA: Racism is more than a heritage, it is in our (white) blood.

South Carolina‘s Governor, a Hindustani American, says that Corporations do not care that the cradle of the confederacy still flies the Confederate Flag.  She underestimates the extent to which her state remains the cradle of the slave state:

Perhaps the real reason no one care is that “white” folk in the Palmetto State are not all that “white.”  Slavery, with the master having his second wife a slave, has had profound effects in America ..   especially in the state still so proud of slavery, South Carolina.

Researchers at  23andme pored over the genetic records of 145,000 people who submitted a cheek swab.  As you might expect, southern whites are considerably more likely to have African ancestry than whites from other regions: “European Americans with African ancestry comprise as much as 12% of European Americans from Louisiana and South Carolina and about 1 in 10 individuals in other parts of the South,” 23andme found.

South Carolina, topped the list for racial diversity!  This should gladden the Governor’s heart. She herself appointed a white man, another Tea Part Republican, as President of a state university in Charleston … despite the man’s pride in the Confederacy extending to dressing up as a Confederate general accompanied by two black slaves.

I wonder what President Glenn McConnell’s genome would show?

This more than  a matter of a romantic pride in the history of the ante-bellum South. The 23&me study shows that Modern Americans define themselves by race.  The distinction is very sharp. People with less than 15% African ancestry call themselves :white.” While those with more than 50% somehow are “black.”  In other words the middle gray area is only 35% of the genome.   Those who were about one quarter African were just as likely as not to call themselves African-American.  While we may not have Nazi-like Nuremberg laws, the effects are rather similar.

As we have seen from the horrible events in Ferguson, New York and others cities, “Black” Americans live in an apartheid like condition where skin color determines much or how a person is treated by the police and even how the schools are controlled in “black” ghettos.

How can Ms. Haley sleep well wondering how a young black man feels having to see the stars and bars?  Would she also fly the swastika to make South Carolina’s Nazi’s feel proud?  If the state must celebrate that era, maybe in the interest of honesty everyone should get a blood test. Then Mrs. Haley could proudly claim to be non African but I suspect that most her Tea Party supporters would find some taint of lave ancestry.

A simple tattoo on the forehead might help these white Southerners identify with their roots.


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  1. hdr22 #

    It must be challenging to write intelligibly when you’re locked in a cage full of monkeys trying to wrest the keyboard away from you.

  2. theaveeditor #

    Thanks Bill.

  3. Roger Rabbit #

    There’s no love like brotherly love.* (*My understanding is the first two posters are siblings.)

  4. theaveeditor #

    I dunno. The Ave gets a lot of fan mail from IP addresses locates near my brother in law’s home in Charleston South Carolina.

  5. theaveeditor #

    Oh yeh .. they have started a new web site all about me.