Political Control of Universities … Iran vs South Carolina

Iran’s  Censors Academic Freedom in Universities


In February, Farhad Rahbar, the controversial chancellor of the University of Tehran, was ordered to step down by Reza Faraji-Dana, who at the time led the Ministry of Higher Education. Rahbar was notorious for forcing reformist professors to retire and cracking down on student protests after Iran’s controversial “stolen election” in 2009. READ MORE at Slate.

Reza Faraji-Dana, the former Minister of Science, during his tenure as president of the University of Tehran in 2005.


On Tuesday, Iran’s parliament rejected the fourth person that President Hassan Rouhani has nominated to lead the Ministry of Higher Education.  The rejection reflects the conservative control of Iran’s parliament.  Iranian universities, like those in Hong Kong,  have of late been hubs of pro-democracy activism in Iran.   Unlike China where the state has absolute control in Chinese schools but limited control inside Hong Kong, Iran’s parliament PLUS the theocracy has overall control of the academy.

The issue in China is central to the willingness of American universities to open branch campuses in China, Singapore, and the Oil States. These deals bring money to American brands, for example “Yale,”  but diminish the academic reputation that sits behind the brand.

It is not difficult to imagine this becoming an issue with Iran if the current negotiations over nuclear enrichment succeed.  Potential applicants for this sort of tie, however, may want to look at the fate of Farhad Rahbar.  Mr. Rahbar, the controversial chancellor of the University of Tehran,.  He was ordered to step down by Reza Faraji-Dana, who at the time led the Ministry Higher Education. Rahbar was notorious for forcing reformist professors to retire and cracking down on student protests after Iran’s controversial “stolen election” in 2009.

Before too much congratulations go to our system, we need to look at South Carolina. and Texas.

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