Yellow Journalism’s Finest Hour

Was this election yellow journalism’s finest hour?  Mark Sumner at Daily Kos thinks it came close:

“Thank you, media. You did your job. You lovingly cobbled together boogeymen straight out of central casting: masked brown men lopping off American heads, and a disease out of the Africa that makes you bleed from your eyes. You achieved levels of paranoia that had people willing to lock up medical workers who had zero chance of spreading the disease, and you got people who had marched against going into Iraq in the first place convinced that this time we just had to get some sand on our boots.”

Kinda hard to argue with his logic.  Oh, and have you noticed — now the election’s over — you don’t hear about Ebola anymore?  And, btw, whatever happened to that Bergdahl guy?  I guess his 5 minutes is over, too.  But not to worry, the whole parade of demons will be back to frighten you again two years from now.

Oh, and if you haven’t noticed, this blog does something the media doesn’t do.  It discusses issues.Roger Rabbit icon

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