Pass The Popcorn; Election Day Shenanigans Swing Into High Gear

Well, election day is here, and the free-for-all begins.

For starters, Republicans think they’re so beloved by voters that the only way Democrats can win is by stuffing ballot boxes, busing illegals and corpses to polls, and cheating in sundry other ways. At least, that’s what we’ll hear from every Republican candidate who loses.

And then there’s the GOP’s vote suppression machinery, which has morphed into a humongous Godzilla-like monster spreading its tentacles over the land. Is there a vote-suppression gimmick the GOP hasn’t exploited yet? Yes! It turns out people who have their identities stolen by criminals who commit crimes using their names look like — you guessed it — felons to voter registrars’ computers. When your identity is stolen, you lose more than money, you also may lose your right to vote. Expect the GOP to “sail on this vast new ocean” (to steal a phrase from President John F. Kennedy) in future elections.

Disrupting elections. What election would be complete without GOP-engineered long lines, broken voting machines, and closed polling places? Today, Republican dirty tricksters kicked things off in Chicago by calling election judges and telling them to stay home. More than 250 of them did, which meant election officials had to scramble to call in reserves and some polling places didn’t open on time, which means some people went to work without voting — and probably won’t vote.

No doubt we’ll hear about more such incidents as the day progresses. Meanwhile, what can we say about a political party that spends millions and devotes countless man-hours to preventing American citizens from voting in their own country?

Umm … maybe they don’t believe in democracy?

If you don’t vote, you play right into their hands.  Roger Rabbit icon

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