How The ‘Liberal-Biased’ Media Reports Iowa’s Senate Race

This is how Washington Post (owned by Jeff Bezos) reports the Iowa Senate race between U.S. Rep. Bruce Braley (D) and gun-totin’ and hog-castrating state senator Joni Ernst (R):

Reported about Democratic candidate: “Braley and his wife have had run-ins with a neighbor over the neighbor’s chickens coming onto their property, and Michelle Obama, on a campaign visit for Braley, referred to him as ‘Bruce Bailey.'”

Not reported about Republican candidate: Ernst’s infatuation with “wacky conspiracy theories.”

Who would think the media, mostly owned by conservative rich white guys, has a liberal bias? Well, maybe people who never read a newspaper or watch TV news might think that. Or perhaps this slanted Roger Rabbit iconreporting looks “liberal-biased” to people comparing it with, say, WorldNetDaily, FreeRepublic, Drudge, Breitbart, Daily Caller, or other components of the wingnut echo chamber.




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