Pennsylvania’s Stomach-Turning Private Gun Club “Pigeon Shoots”

Despite years of efforts in Pennsylvania’s legislature to change the law, using live birds for trap shooting at private gun clubs is still legal in that state, and two or three private gun clubs in that state run annual “pigeon shoot” events.  Rich “sportsmen” from all over the country converge on Pennsylvania to participate in these events, because all 49 other states have banned this cruel practice.

Bills have been introduced in the legislature, but never get anywhere.  Hoping once again to persuade legislators to fall in line with other states and ban this filthy “sport,” animal welfare activists are starting a TV ad campaign this month.  You can see a sample ad here:

The ad campaign is underwritten by TV personality Bob Barker, who has also donated millions to support the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society’s whale-protection campaign.Roger Rabbit icon

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