Buying The Vote: Why do we still need parties?

In The Social Network movie, Justin Timberlake plays Sean Parker, the 34-year-old co-founder of Napster,  The character tells Mark Zuckerberg that he needs to think big if he wants Facebook to succeed, “a million dollars isn’t cool  You know what is cool?”

Now Sean Parker has an even bigger goal … he has decided to become a king maker.  The uber wealthy billionaire is hob nobbing with politicians from Rand Paul to Bill deBlasio, with Charlie Crist and Gavin Newsom somewhere in his mix. Parker  has made it clear he now expects to be a force in this years elections.

“Sean Parker is the kind of person who, when passionate about an issue, jumps in with both feet,” said Alex Tourk, a Bay Area political strategist who advises Conway, the billionaire venture capitalist and Parker collaborator.

Ben Horowitz, the prominent Silicon Valley investor, shares that assessment of Parker: “He’s all in at a very, very intense level, at more hours of the day than most people are awake.”

“He’s got political views on various topics but his main agenda is sort of making democracy more modern, less corrupt,” Horowitz said.

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