HORSESASS: Goldy calls out the Seattle Times over Taxes

Over at HorsesAss, David Goldstein rags on an editorial in the Times. The editorial complains that Seattle may loose another corporate headquarters and blames that loss on our lack of state moneys for infrastructure and education.  Goldy, as usual. says that the Tokes ought to support an income tax.  he is right, BUT my friend misses one point … the Times, of course, IS tax subsidized because it lives off of the untaxed inheritance of the Blethen family.

There is another issue … as Seattle goes from being the home of Amazon to becoming Amazon, what does Bezoes (or Balmer or Bronfman or  Schulz ….)do to make THEIR corporate homes a better place to live?  These billionaires fed their firms on our soil and have become wealthy in a state where poor people pay most of the taxes.

Shouldn’t the Times call for more contributions from our uber wealthy?;

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