St. Patty’s Day

Ed. Growing up on Boston,capture everyone was Irish .. at least on St. Patty’s day.  I remember the trauma when someone decided that we, the Irish, could no longer celebrate St. Patty’s day because, we the Bostonians, had a Bill of Rights that made is free from any establishment of religion.

What d’y know?  St. Patty was about religion and not about the Ould Sod? Even we Jews knew this was absurd.  As for the Eye-talians, even their fuckin’  Pope said there was no evidence that St. Patty even existed!

So how could St. Patty’s day be “religious in nature” if the mon wasn’t even real?

No way, said the courts. No Saints days, real or unreal!

Boston solved this puzzle .. didja know mon that the 17 th was the anniversary of when the Brits were forced to evacuate Boston?  Well now, who do you suppose drove them Brits out?

St. Patty!

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  1. William Quick #

    Amazing that you swiped a photo of a Chicagoland scene from a Québécois website (
    to illustrate a story about Boston…

  2. William Quick #

    So this time you swiped an image from Dublin Airport’s Facebook account:
    Any reader can easily spot the source — it’s part of the text at the bottom of the graphic: “Happy St Patrick’s Day from Dublin Airport.”
    Wanna try again, Steve?

  3. theaveeditor #

    Begorra you are a fast one. Sad to tell. my obsessed laddy, you donna get it right. Like all us smart uns I avoid Facebook so you gonna have to try, try agin.

    Now, if you were so really concerned about this, I do wonder if the signage in Dublin aeroport is trademarked. Why doncha try and find out?

    By the by, so them Johny Rebs down there get to drink good beer on St. Parry’s day? I heard tell they even let a brown lady be your guv and that she is a papist!

    Who woulda thought?!

    Hope you are going to join the Chareston celebration of your victory of them Irish boys fightin for Abe on the 22nd!

  4. William Quick #

    Your brogue is as phony as your website.

  5. theaveeditor #

    Ohh Laddy, Its so hard to express my Irish pride with the limited subtleties of a keyboard. Even Mark Twain got himself into trouble with accents written in Times Roman.

    But I will tell ya .. I do prefer Jameson’s to that crude stuff from Kentucky. What do you drink?

  6. William Quick #

    You know something, Steve? Instead of farting around pretending you have a brogue, you could answer your sister’s e-mail question: why does your proposal for settling what you call the “family feud” carry any more credence than hers? You have not sent her a reply despite her repeated request to answer this question.

  7. theaveeditor #

    You know she has gotten answers by email. Are out suggesting that her point of view on Buchenwald be published here? I have offered her and you that opportunity before.

  8. William Quick #

    Stop trying to change the subject. You know very well that you haven’t addressed Steph’s question: all that you’ve done is to be evasive, as usual.

  9. theaveeditor #

    The offer stands.

    If Stephanie feels I have misrepresented her stands on these materials or, for that matter my own stand, she is free to communicate that.

    If you or she want to post your view of what should be done with these materials, I will post it directly on TA. I will only edit it , as needed, to assure that it is formatted for this site and to remove any obscenities or material that is otherwise improper on a public website. I will also provide her or you with any edited material for your approval or revision prior to publication.