Wolf of Wall Street: An Amazon Alternative?

We are waiting for Wolf of Wall Street to be a free show on Cable.  Seems appropriate given the theme.   CORPOMAN

Funny thing about that sort of movie.  As fewer movies are made and as Comcast expands its empire, our choices of movies is becoming limited by what “they” want us to see.   Who are they?  Is there some corporate version of the NSA that picks the dozen or so “real” movies we all see?  Is this NSA, Inc. comprised of a few dark glassed MBAs whose taste now govern all of ours?

One reason  this matters is very much about Comcast VERSUS THE WEB.  The cost of making a movie has come way down. If the web is free of goons like the one in my picture, isn’t there a way for smaller studios to make a buck using the web?

There might be.  While Amazon and Netflix are fighting each other with corporate style TV, reumaboy governed by the same cadre of media MBAs that work for Disney and Comcast, Amazon has taken on the puboisher by offering a samizdat/vanity press alternative.  For 30% of your pricing, anyone can post a book on their site.  Why not do the same with movies?





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