Letter from South Carolina

William Quick This letter serves as formal notification that we wish you to immediately cease all writing on your blog about either of us or about the State of South Carolina where we reside. The tone and frequency of your communications are intolerable and we consider them to be harassment. We have previously asked you to restrain yourself from hostility and personal attacks and we have tried simply disregarding your blogs. You have persisted in harassing us regardless. We therefore must insist that you cease all writing on your blog about us and the State of South Carolina. You may be family, but you are not entitled to subject us to harassment.

In sum, we insist that you cease all such writing immediately. We are deeply saddened that we have been forced to take this step.

William W Quick, MD
Stephanie Schwartz Quick

Some examples:

Along with my sister,  he runs a small and poorly visited site that provides advice about diabetes.

“I write a lot about South Carolina, the place where my sister has chosen to live.  As a peaceful person, I find it difficult to imagine her choosing to  live in a place where violence is celebrated ”

A Gay Blog From South Carolina?
“Why do rational people choose to live in Tea Party states?”

South Carolina: Trumps AZ, Blocks Books That Mention Gays
Why do good people choose to live there?

William Quick, the troll

Someone, my guess it was my brother in law since he has raised this sort of thing in multiple emails, complained that I was misusing an image from in Saskatchewan!

I wonder what my brother in law, William Quick would have to say .. is WA state better than his home in SC?

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  1. theaveeditor #

    The best way to respond to this is to simply post Dr. Quick’s email along with the next post in the series about South Carolina.

    The series on South Carolina obviously has roots deeper than this family feud. Bill and Steph have no responsibility for the way South Carolina once bred African and Native Americans to produce better slaves or the more recent successful wooing of Boeing to build a plant where workers have no union and there is no state minimum wage. Nor do I have reason to believe that they are members f the Tea Party, or contributors to the raffle of an AR 15 by one of their candidates for Senate.

    Nor are they even mentioned in many of the posts they cite in their letter or in the one post that will appear later today about a legal thug, a lawyer who is being defended by the South Carolina public defender,

    Do they also take offense at my essay on Louisiana’s Attorney General’s use of a cease and desist letter to block free speech?

    Finally, I wonder which is “harassment,” my posts about South Carolina (again my state, Washington, has many reasons other than Bill to have a clouded image of South Carolina with its racism and abusive labor practices) or Bill’s use of false names to post comments on THE Ave? Am I wrong in believing that he has posted as Bob Raymond and Roberta Flack?

    The only relevance they have to any of this is a personal one. the fact that they live there and that I sometimes mention that fact. Surely if I write about South Carolina, the fact that I have relatives there is relevant?

    Steph and Bill are, of course free to dislike what I say about the state they chose as a home or anything else on TA.

    I have also offered them the opportunity to write on TA and they have posted comments.

  2. theaveeditor #

    I might also ask Bill and Steph what posts are “about either of us”?

    Did you also take offense at my positive comment abut Bill’s work on diabetes, ” As an example, I have been impressed by the advice given by my own brother-in-law, the retired physician living in South Carolina. Along with my sister, he runs a small and poorly visited site that provides advice about diabetes. “

  3. Roger Rabbit #

    For the record, I have no reason to believe your relatives were involved in South Carolina’s sham trial and execution of 14-year-old George Stinney in 1944. And the fact I live in a state that never treated blacks that way has no relevance to your family feud.

  4. William Quick #

    I have never given the author permission to reproduce any of my correspondence on the Internet. However, the objective reader will see that he is indeed a mean-spirited, petty, ill-tempered ingrate, who truly needs psychiatric help for his narcissism.

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