Barbie is 54 years old!

Barbie’s birthday is March 9, 1959.  She is the iconic American woman .. beautiful, powerful, straight and single.

Most of what is known about this American heroine comes from  biographies  published by Random House in the 1960s.  Born  in Willows, Wisconsin.[9] as Barbara Millicent Roberts, her parents were  George and Margaret Roberts.  She attended Willows High School, and later attended the fictional Manhattan International High School in New York City, a companion school to  Stuyvesant High School[10]).

Ms Roberts is an unmarried heterosexual with  an on-off romantic relationship with  Ken  Carson since 1961. In February 2004 the couple announced that they had decided to split up,[11] but in February 2006 they were hoping to rekindle their relationship after Ken had a makeover.[12] Barbie has had over 40 pets including cats and dogs, horses, a panda, a lion cub, and a zebra. She has owned a wide range of vehicles, including pink Corvette convertibles, trailers, and jeeps. She also holds a pilot‘s license, and operates commercial airliners in addition to serving as a flight attendant. Barbie has had careers including Miss Astronaut Barbie (1965), Doctor Barbie (1988) and Nascar Barbie (1998).

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