BREAKING NEWS: Black Man to Head United States Secret Police?

The U.S. Senate confirmed  the next secretary of Homeland Security on Monday.

In a 78-16 vote, the Senate approved Jeh Johnson, a former Defense Department general counsel, as as the next secretary of Homeland Security on Monday.

Obama, another Black lawyer, described Mr. Johnson ,  “As the Pentagon’s top lawyer, he helped design and implement many of the policies that have kept our country safe, including our success in dismantling the core of al-Qaeda” in Pakistan.

This is getting scary.  Three Black guys running the US legal system.  First the President, then the AG now the chief cop!

What is left?  Next Obama will replace Justice Thomas with a Black guy on the US Supreme Court?

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  1. Bob Raymond #

    You are a despicable bigot.

  2. theaveeditor #

    aha …

    and you are a black troll?

  3. Bob Raymond #

    I don’t think you are funny. You a racist bigot.

  4. theaveeditor #

    Really? So now I am a senile, fat old, racist, who has attracted the attention of an anonymous troll who has hacked nto my WordPress account?

  5. theaveeditor #

    Since you want to be a troll, I thought I would donate a portrait. Pretty swift!