Ave Challenge

Identify this woman:


a. Burlesque star from Seattle’s early history.

b. wife of Mendel, before he became a monk

c. first Jewish woman to get an MD in the US

d. published early insights into sex after Darwin.

e. White Russian double agent in St. Petersburg.


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  1. Bob Raymond #

    You are extraordinarily sloppy. You tried linking to a photo on someone else’s website, but didn’t succeed.

    BTW, the answer is (D) — the missing photo is of Nettie Stevens.

  2. theaveeditor #

    Ypu must be searching deep.

    BTW the failure means the site ids down.

  3. Bob Raymond #

    You continue to be extraordinarily sloppy — this time, you can’t even spell the word “is” correctly.
    You should be well aware that linking to someone else’s graphics is a major breech of netiquette, as it puts an additional load on their server, but I guess you don’t care. After all, you are a Professor and always right. Right?

  4. theaveeditor #

    I beg to differ. The web s very much about links. All commercial sites live by them .. thanks in part to Google’s effort to monetize searches.

    I f we are too talk about netiquette, howsabout YOUR fessing up? I know you have either hacked WordPress or stolen a password and it seems unfair to whichever editor you stole it from not to know who you are.