Scientific Diversity: African Americans Talk About Why We Have So Few “Divers” Scientists?

Is This a Real Problem?

In an era where labs, AMERICAN labs, are filled with Chinese students, how is it we have so African Americans?

The sad part here is the use of the term “people of color.”  The melanin content of scientists with origins from India, China, Japan, Korea … even from Africa … is very high.

The issue is not “diversity.”

I also think the term people of color  is foolish when it lumps Cubanos, and Chicanos.  These are recent immigrant communities and I would be willing to bet anything that these folks will become “white,” that is part of the general population who pay some attention to science as a career.   It would be lots more honest if we  .. and the folks in this interview …  admit that WE have a problem with the descendants of the slaves, the remnants of indigenous Americans,  and the real people historically placed on the periphery of “white” culture.

The discussion does a better job of talking about education.  Truly under privileged minorities do not only get their education in school.  Choosing something so far from normal life as science requires exposure.  Imagine how many African Americans choose golf, tennis, concert violin, or ballet as careers?  Can that be addressed in the schools?

The other issue the interview does discuss is money.  Becoming a scientist is VERY hard.  I would guess that our proportion of folks who actually get to tenured jobs s WORSE that the percentage of kids who make the NFL or NBA careers so sought after by African American kids especially. How many poor kids are willing to make that bet when, if they are bright, they can become doctors or engineers?

Finally, I wonder if there is not another issue … religion?  The Black church is an overwhelming force for good in a African American communities.  It is, however, a church.  Science is not an easy climb for Christina believers.  how many of us belong to Baptist churches.  Even those of us who belong to a church, probably do so because we enjoy the ritual or the sense of community rather than because we celebrate a resurrected deity.  Could the black church be harmful to black kids considering science?

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  1. Bob Raymond #

    Damned shame you can’t spell diverse.