Send a Valentines’ Day cards tp Afghanistan?

Can we send our girls in combat boxes of chocolates?

Of course part of this story is a change in the definition of combat. A 5′ 2″ lady is likely as agile driving a HUMVEE or “manning” a sniper rifle as any Schwarzenegger.

Is there a female version of Schwarzenegger?  Do we need to find such ladies and if so why aren’t they applying for the NFL?

I wonder whether adding women to combat is a success for women or a triumph for the corporate meat grinder?  Is there a shortage of grunts?

Will the State Department now insist on equal opportunity when it hires private security grunts?

Will the Chippendales be touring the front lines?

The too, female grunts have resources men do not have.  Could Captain Carmen in Afghanistan order Lieutenant Betty to seduce a dangerous captive in order to get information?

What does worry me is the loss  of respect.  If Donna is a grunt travelling home on the Titanic, does she still get to be part of “women and children first?”

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