Balmer’s rating by Microsoft Employees Ain’t So Good.

BALMERWonder What Mr. Balmer’s Pay Would Be if The Employees Got Their Way?

Well, the guy is improving!  Steve Ballmer’s favorability ratings by Microsoft employees jumped to 46% at the end of 2012, compared to a lowly 29% a year earlier published the data in December.

This change is .. mostly because  Ballmer was last year, of the 50 CEOs of tech companies rated, Ballmer was in 48th place.  The RIM the bottom rung.

Preston Gralla, of Computerworld, notes that ” a 46% approval rating is nothing to crow about. In fact, it’s dismal. The CEOs of SAP and National Instruments rated 100%. Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg came in at 99%. Apple’s Tim Cook rated 93%. Google’s Larry Page was rated 94%. Ballmer’s 46% rating puts him at 47th out of the 50 CEOs rated. Marginally better than 48th place a year previous. But still, 47th place out of 50 is an awful showing.

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